Course details:
Day One
Intro and housekeeping
- Introduction of the framework of the two days
- Ice-Braking and get-to-know-each-other (important for me)
- Introduction of the platform Miro and how to work together in remote way
Session One - the Challenge
- Understanding the current situation, the environment, the impatience of the market, the hyper-connected customer
- Break-Out Session One – touchpoints
- How does the current situation touch me and my business, organization, technology, setting
- Summary and Clustering of the most important shared topics
Session Two - But How
- Deeper Dive into technology, organizational set-ups, flat hierarchies, agile and responsive decision making
- Break-Out Session Two – similarities, differences, “analogue valleys”, pilots, roll-outs
- Summary and Clustering of the most important shared topics, also some differences that need to be worked on because of the impact
Day Two
Session Three - Ingition
- Some best-case implementations, cross-industrial learnings, hiccups, failures
- Break-Out Session Three – working on the day one prios and derive actionable to-do’s
- presentation and critical discussion in plenum (Disney method), then back to the teams and further work on the actions
- Final Conclusions, open points, real to-dos, commitments